We Are Environment Friendly!

Here in Pica Pica Beauty, we value the importance of our amazing blue planet and its inhabitants. 

It is important to us, that the products we source, partnerships we establish and promote are eco-friendly, and that their production (if it involves animal products such as makeup brushes) causes no harm to animals, or people (anti-trafficking and slavery!). 

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Our biggest dream for the future (when the company grows - thanks to your kindness and trust) is to support causes close to our heart. We would like to do that by donating part of our profits and help spread awareness, as well as hands-on help to maintain Earth's good condition.

Here is a couple of ways we do it now:

1. Pica Pica Beauty is in the process of requiring all suppliers to certify that materials incorporated into Pica Pica Beauty products comply with the laws regarding animal no-harm policies. 

2. All Partnerships established from now on and promoted on Pica Pica Beauty site, or featured in the soon available partners' page will be thoroughly investigated in terms of partners policies regarding their approach towards eco-awareness and /or basic human laws. 


Aside from the above doings, you may find that we incorporate "Eco-Awareness" posts into our social media activity from time to time, and this will be an ongoing process.